
Early Modern Hispano-Dutch History & more...

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This site is a personal challenge as well as the ground of an on-going scientific experiment that involves history and historians.

My name is Iñaki Lopez Martin. I am an specialist in Early Modern Hispano-Dutch relations. My personal and scientific interests concentrate fundamentally on the fields of history and computers, maritime history, and the use of Geographic Information Systems in advanced historical research.



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The EU anti-google books project Europeana is still far from reaching its objectives, but still a reliable source of information for those interested in European historical books and sources.

Last Updated on Monday, 30 November 2009 12:11

Spanish Golden Age Theatre

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Teatro del Siglo de Oro sponsored by the Spanish National Library is a portal that holds over 2.000 theatre plays and manuscripts from XVIth and XVIIth centuries.
Last Updated on Monday, 04 May 2009 19:33


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Broadside: the Influence of Sea Power in History is a documentary that tells the story of an English monarch, Charles II, leading his country into the fiercest trade war in the age of sail, and his Dutch adversary, Johann de Witt, a bold and able leader, whose untiring efforts saved the young Dutch republic from a war it could not win.

The website hosts as well several interviews to XVIIth history specialists such as Jonathan Israel or Andrew Lambert, and a good number of videos and useful information about the Anglo-Dutch Wars.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 23:31

Resolutiën Staten-Generaal 1576-1625

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The Resolutiën Staten-Generaal 1576-1625 have been fully digitalised by the Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis. This is an extremely important resource for researchers and specialists interested in aspects such as Dutch foreign policy, finance, trade and industry during the XVIth and the XVIIth centuries.

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