
Early Modern Hispano-Dutch History & more...

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As far as I can tell these pages will be divided into two main sections:

  • WWW VL [Early Modern Spanish History]: a follow-up of my WWW activities since 1995, primarily at the Lopez Martin Collection in Carrie (the Electronic Library of the University of Kansas) and the VL Central History Catalogue (now hosted at the European University Institute).
  • Straatvaart: a list of historical resources with particular reference to Hispano-Dutch relations during the late sixteenth and the early seventeenth century, without excluding other related historical aspects, periods or issues. The idea is to publish a collection of XVIth-XVIIth century Spanish historical resources and archival material I have been collecting, classifying and transcribing over the last years. Obviously not all of them will be freely available, it has been a long-term investment in money, time and skills. But I cannot give more details about “when” or “how” all those materials will be ready and fully available.

I am also considering to open this space and project to any collaborators eventually interested in topics such as history and computers, early modern maritime history, economic warfare, and trade. Anybody with good ideas and with or without an academic background is more than welcome.


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Please contact Prof. Lynn H.Nelson for more in formation about this list.